This is the official Webcam of GuyOnTheAir. It is not intended for small children, or those easily offended by nudity, and the activities of an often naked person.  For more information, email

GuyOnTheAir Info:

  • 40+ years old
  • 6'3"
  • Blonde hair
  • Single

Chat Info:

GuyOnTheAir loves to chat.  You can catch him in the WebCam chat room if he's paying attention.  Or also contact him on AIM, Yahoo, or MSN.

AIM: GuyOnTheAir
Yahoo: GuyOnTheAir
MSN: GuyOnTheAir

For More Info:

Check out

Picture Archives would love to create a picture archive of memorable moments on  If you capture a picture of GuyOnTheAir on this cam, please send it to We'll post it to the archive, and even give you credit for it.

  • No archives available yet

    To capture a picture, use the   icon on the next page!  Then right-click on the picture and choose "Save-as".

 is a presentation of, and will be updated at random.
    © 2002-2022 by GuyOnTheAir

   Update, January, 2010.

The webcam is currently down? Why? It's simple. The cam broke, the computer running it died, and I've lost interest in keeping up something that about 2 people were using, just to stalk me.

When I first put up, it was something of a novelty. You could move my cam around, and follow my life, a bit. Many of you did that. Many of you would talk to me in the chat room, and we became online buddies. Many of you also shared pictures of yourself with me, or would get on your own cams and chat with me.

That sense of community is almost non-existent these days. Nobody chats, or if they do, they issue commands like "show us your ass."

Over the years, has gone through 3 different Web cams, all of them the same. They were Logitech Orbit Webcams. The picture quality was great, and people enjoyed being able to control the cam themselves. But, after a year or two, the gears in the cameras wear out. If I didn't replace the camera, at my own expense immediately, people were no longer able to be remote controlled. And then people would begin to bitch that they couldn't control the movement, or that I wasn't pointing the cam at what they wanted to see.

The software I used to run the cams was a combination of a certain Logitech driver for their Orbit cams, and the EyeSpyFX software, written for that specific version. Newer Orbit cams from Logitech require much newer drivers, and are not recognized by the EyeSpyFX software. The last cam I purchased for a couple of years ago was a refurbished, original Orbit cam. However, these are no longer available.

To get up and running again would require some funds, and some new software and coding. It's not something I have a ton of time to do these days. But, if there was suitable interest, and people were willing to put their money where their mouth was, I'd make it happen.

If you wish to see up and running again, then make it happen with your PayPal donation. When I accumulate $150 in donations, the webcam at will return, better, improved, and redone. The money will be used for the new cam and software that will be required, as well as finding a suitable machine for running it.

Donate to GuyOnTheAir now!

So far, $0 has been donated to the project.

As always, you may contact me at Thanks.
